
O my point wasn't against diversity, it was against redundancy.

I'm fine with that, but when you guys have duplicate articles, it is going to get silly when you are talking about the same thing, but they use maybe one more dude or bro in their sentence. (Especially if you cross link)

How is this different from Foodspin, and why aren't they combined?

Devil fruit bike.

Have you ever seen this?

I'd wager that most player's contracts have non-compete clauses that prevent them from outright selling. Additionally, if they have any endorsements, the lawyer squad should put something similar in there. Those are probably the top two reasons you don't see it.

Please do not make assumptions, I was just clearly stating why it was illegal.

So just to be clear every piece of equipment he had at Texas A&M and played in was not his. Those items were provided to him. If however, he bought some cleats from a footlocker during that time and went to sell them on ebay, no it would not be illegal. It would however be against NCAA rules, which are written to

Uhh, if the University buys the gear, it is their property. The player is just using it. At least, that's how it is written in the player's contracts, which means it's like, if your company gave you a car to use, and you went and sold it. Or if you took your work laptop to a pawn shop and sold it for cash. Legally

Haha, their Yelp page got slammed.

Did you do a a best of 2014 list that I missed?

If they added that human radar analogous skin to the back of cars, I think that would solve a lot of other problems as well.

The look on the female judge's face at 3:49 translates to every language.

It's a subscription service.

It's OK to enjoy things Will.

The batmobile would be the best Le Mans racer... Apparently.

Better example.

The future of racing sure does involve a lot of sabotage.

You are basically asking for a filmed heart attack.