
We went over this.

I had one of these, very fun car. Especially in the snow.

Went to a bar that did $1 Stellas. They even came in that chalice glass. Worst beer I have ever had.

That is indeed how you vote. I do think they all have some form of bike rack. The Merge's is pretty neat where you can slide it in and out.

Well there isn't a Boston bike.

So instead of doing a story on the five bikes you can vote on, you did a story on just one? Maybe that is just a little NYC bias. ;)

Not sure why it is confusing to you, trope is a synonym of cliche.

Who can really say?

I think you just went full Turbo.

O wow. Reading to fast is going to get me in trouble some day.

Wait Ron isn't evil to start with?

Ad hominem only applies when the fact is irrelevant. If the drug she was given gave her super powers, I could take the leap. However, the topic of a brain's understanding and the ability, even fictitiously, to gradually unlock different parts of the brain is plain silly because it is already essentially unlocked.

Its not that I mind reality being twisted. (I know a lot of movies exaggerate what is possible). It is when you rely on the trope so hard for your plot. It goes beyond what is not only possible, but tries to be forcibly believable WITH the idea of portraying it as truth.

Fuck this B rating. Brain loads of points should be taken away for using such a stupid trope.

This oddly reminds me of Borderlands.

Agreed. I did also think that this was the first sign of good chemistry between Ruffalo and Downey Jr.

I actually really enjoyed Kiss Kiss Bang Bang back in pre-iron man days. The only other notable one was A Scanner Darkly.

I really hope no one judges a scientist for skewering a non indigenous invasive species.

Graphs and a bipartisan attitude? I like this guy.