
Went to a bar that did $1 Stellas. They even came in that chalice glass. Worst beer I have ever had.

Not sure why it is confusing to you, trope is a synonym of cliche.

I think you just went full Turbo.

Ad hominem only applies when the fact is irrelevant. If the drug she was given gave her super powers, I could take the leap. However, the topic of a brain's understanding and the ability, even fictitiously, to gradually unlock different parts of the brain is plain silly because it is already essentially unlocked.

Its not that I mind reality being twisted. (I know a lot of movies exaggerate what is possible). It is when you rely on the trope so hard for your plot. It goes beyond what is not only possible, but tries to be forcibly believable WITH the idea of portraying it as truth.

Fuck this B rating. Brain loads of points should be taken away for using such a stupid trope.

This oddly reminds me of Borderlands.

No Lumia =(

No Lumia =(

I just like that guy's reaction.

Doom is getting awfully bro'tastic.

"Our initial reaction was to reach out to the league," Saft said. "We're really disappointed. He's potentially harming fans and children who are trying to get information on the team.

I just came from the stupid goat post. I see there is a trend for today. Keep it up.

On the plus side, GM has said it will not invoke its bankruptcy protections for its victim compensation fund, and taking that compensation will not waive someone's ability to sue.

Are we sure that the guy in the passenger seat was not from the dealership?

Are you trying to tell me these are not the controls?

You had me at squirt butter.

Raid 1 + 0 is just as fast, but also safe.

A Asshole is me!

Sarcasm? I am pretty sure I nailed it.