
>>Just try resetting it.

Tucker Barnhart must be a messy guy.

I disagree in a way, where some companies cost cut through really good engineering (Tesla), and other cost cut through cutting a lot of corners (GM). The thing is, batteries are not new tech. Electricity is not new tech. Firefighters should know how to put out these fires. The problem is usually the media fear

Honestly, it really isn't the manufacturer's issue right now. Most manufacturers now, including Tesla, Toyota, etc. invite and publish the proper fire suppressants to each state they sell in. Each state has its own set of requirements usually. If they don't they just default or copy the federal stuff.

5-star crash tests do not test cars at 100+mph. Therefor the rating is still valid. If you'd like the test to change however, that is a different discussion.

Came here to find this out. Thanks!

uhhh Tim...uhh I like your beard.

Carbon fiber wheels. Carbon fiber wheels.

Finally we are getting somewhere.

I'm so late to this.

Lifehacker, i09 and Jalopnik have been my islands for a long time. My archipelago of escapism.

You should figure out the percentage of criminals rising and grinding. Maybe they were grinding and rising though, so it is hard to decipher.

The hand gestures did seem similar.

Tornados. Slowly decreasing a person's opacity since 1996.

I absolutely have no doubt that Dr. Tyson kept the coefficient of friction at 1 specifically so that we would have these debates. I have no problems with this.

No one high up in the Fox News organization knows what Bioshock is. This is probably just some lazy graphic design work or an inside joke.

Streisand Effect stri...streidands again.

Agreed. Apparently none of them know why motorcyclists wear all that gear.

Super glue works wonders on a lot of cuts.