
If they open sourced these, I would 100% make one.

Hey now, I'm a stats guy. 2 people are flying the plane. That is a fact. From what you are saying though Shane will just be riding along as a safety.

I came for Robots. I only saw a steampunk themed bar. Which is still nice, but I wanted robots.

Once her trip is completed, she'll be the youngest woman to circumnavigate the globe in a single-engine plane.

You are welcome. Being one of the people who actually works on stuff like this makes me a little bit more passionate about it than most. 100% of the time that I make comments relating to product safety and compliance I am looking to educate the same people who buy the products.

The FDA classifies a medical device (and is the jurisdiction governing them) as "an instrument, apparatus, implement, machine, contrivance, implant, in vitro reagent, or other similar or related article, including a component part, or accessory which is:

That's velocity based damage, not heat based.

My comment is specific to when he gets into the car in a garage at the beginning of the video, not when he clearly enters a working shop. Which is very clean and nice! In case you work there or something.

Looks like Elon.

Sometimes I forget

28, 18, 15... ok maybe I really like heat shimmer.

The pilot so told him...or possibly Mrs. Obama who normally rides shotgun anyway.

Fantasy factory meets MTV cribs.

Ready Player One

I really don't see what your point is. No one in this entire thread thinks these myths are real. You seem to be ranting on about something that no one is disputing. Mythology is entertainment. You seem to not be making that link. We all are.

It is pretty uncommon to find whole skeletons in good condition(and also obviously the ones pictures are repaired and assembled). So you find the skull only. You also forget that people are the ones using the skulls to propagate the myth, nothing else. Probably as some sort of fear tactic.

Did you know most mythology is based off the misunderstanding on bones and fossils?