
The best thing about Jalopnik, besides the cars, is that the writers from time to time write to people and not the industry. Whether it be out of anger, respect or for clarification. Just the act, regardless of content is bounds and leaps above other outlets.

Disney has tons of robotics IP and patents thanks to amusement park rides. I hope they put those imagineers to work on set.

I think everyone's point here is that your comparison is off and misleading.

I wonder how they teach American industrialism in the 1850's.

Shit, I totally would of did Mario meets Redline if I saw this in time.

I think it all goes back to being reminded about the good times you had when you first started gaming. That first impression that stuck so well. That first game you loved so much.

Bonus question: How many .gifs?

To to the trunk button comment. I was in a brand spankin new ford taurus, or as new as I could tell to be within the last few years. It was a rental and it wasn't mine. The ride was about 15 minutes.

Lol yes, I did read it. You didn't get the joke apparently.

You totally missed the joke.

Yeah, suck it you crazy ninja warrior Toyota torture contraption.

You totally forgot someone or something (thanks iRobot) hacking your car and murdering you.

They can move at what ever percentage increase of movement speed the developers want.

All this article is telling me is that the Microsoft watch won't work with my Windows Phone.

Always been a big fan of rotoscoping.

Greek mythology characters also didn't live in the 20th century.

I am enjoying that .gif way to much.

What no redzone?

I do industrial machinery engineering stuff at work. Pendants or joggers as we call them are used all the time to manually control giant robotic arms, agvs or other pieces of machinery. They can be wired or wireless depending on your needs. I'll take the 5 axis arm over the bobcat anyday.

Segway didn't invent the Segway. The thing they made above in your article is clearly made by Segway.