
Anyone else notice they all had the same white truck?

Not sure why, but I took your photo and removed the guy and the kayakers.

Each film has certain meta data attached to it. Who was in it, the genre, style, directors, writers, etc.

I'm pretty sure it is a prize. It looks like it is setup as the "bottom" tiered prize, in a game where everyone wins. Meaning, when you win you pick a prize. Though, I'd pick the dog food over some of the stuff I see.

Not sure what would've been worse, him misplacing it, or him eating it and then someone else noticing the count was off.

I'm sure Burneko has already made an angry phone call about it. Pictures. yeesh.

It was wonderful.

Now they need to patch Civ 5.

I actually believe it is a hard 80%.

Surely one of the better nicknames to have in the armed forces.

Is there anything John C. Reilly doesn't make better?

Pretty sure the evilness of Kinja requires a baby sloth.

Now if we got to see this guy get his own movie...

If only he had a few more practice runs, then I know that he would've made it.

My point was that they added something to the car to make it explode like that. No amount of bullets fired into cushions will cause those cushions to explode.

So, Mike, I thought you might be a car enthusiast since you write on Jalop and would be able to answer your own questions. So, to answer your question, no, gasoline is not stored in excess in that Pontiac's passenger cabin.

Ahh, California Chrome! I get it now.

On to the next subject, prenuptials.