
Hoptimus Prime.

I was waiting for him to bust out (and land) a triple salchow.

As a preface, I do not use facebook nor do I play games on it. I'd never have played or will play a facebook game regardless of cost. (I don't even use FB for social media things)

I guess my comment was more aimed at people not understanding why Palmer used kickstarter. He had a great product and probably had investors throwing money at him. He used kickstarter to deliver unoptimized (cost/engineering) to developers so they could start making content. What's the point of a breakthrough way to

I think there is a misconception about what Oculus Rift was and became. And don't get me wrong, I have huge respect for what Palmer did. His vision and intelligence won over some of the biggest names in the business. But that is my point. He won them over prior to using Kickstarter.

Not sure what the big deal is with facebook buying a company. Big companies buy small ones all the time. The company and product design and hell even potential manufacturing were already all set up and funded prior to the Kickstarter. All the Kickstarter did was enable a way to get dev kits to people without them

It is my understanding that this movie's main goal is to fix all of the continuity issues from all the previous movies. Well as much as they can. Everything else they will just sweep under the proverbial mutant rug.

Hadfield did a pretty good job of being popular.

F1 is getting quieter and street is getting louder. Hmm.

Speaking strictly as someone who doesn't like getting his things stolen, I'd say that Copenhagen wheel looks very easy to be stolen.

I know I know, but the concept. Pay attention to the concept.

Asking for a friend, but why hasn't this gif been used more. I mean the left hand even has a green screen behind it. But of course the relativity of what a green screen can be used for was mentioned by a friend as well.

There is only one answer to this question.

They approved it to go up for a few hours and then be taken down. Double PR.

About time they made a circular smartwatch.

Literally nothing.

Now playing

If only he made it over. I'm like 90% sure Daly was thinking of this Tin Cup scene, and that he could make it.

There is always big bounce, which is just a bunch of big bang...in a cyclical pattern.