
This is what should of been quoted,

I think problem here is a game of telephone between internet writers, re-summarizing already summarized/paraphrased pieces.

Ah yes, they split in 2007.

I would think that "Anything modified by an Australian" would've made the list as a general category.

Microsoft does own Bungie, so technically they do own the rights. If anything there would be a few pieces of paper that needed to get signed.

Probably a sticker that says "this end up" and protocols.

So if we damned that up, we would solve global warming?

Djimon Hounsou would have made a wonderful T'Challa.

Never could ford that river with my ford.

I'd be satisfied with 1-3 year term limits on every senator, governor, etc.

Now playing

The child in me want to cover them in gak. You know ectoplasm and all that stuff...Why am I explaining this.

Waiting for the Top Gear Horse vs. ATV vs. Helicopter battle.

If only there was some sort of signal that would prevent something from happening.

Crikey, that would've been great.

1st person in PvP is a handicap.

So bad it killed Pontiac.

Don't forget that the raccoon is australian...somehow.

Would wouldn't want to get inside something named Aaron Rodgers?

Thats the beauty of open source though. You can find out everything that goes into using the bored. code, schematic, even the layout.