
All I want to see is the Miura. Since I am pretty sure that is on everyone else's mind as well, they will probably save it till the end.

Still waiting.

Media centers are like strange voodoo to a lot of people. While you and I have no problem tinkering building a media PC with the correct tunercards etc. some people would just rather buy an xbone.

Zomg imagine if he had google glass on.

I thought that lumber hauler was going to dump on him.

I thought they were on the brink of a Black Panther movie though.

Also Steel and GL: John Henry

Yeah I agree. It sure amps me up.

They could of made it a little more aggressive looking.

Meh, I have been really put off by the use of CG in Anime. It just cheapens the experience for me.

I feel like some people here haven't actually thrown eggs.

That's Gal Gadot. She's in the movie.

Fuckin' troll post putting blue seventh.

If you look closely, they are all symmetrical, that at least takes half the work out.

The source Robert got these from (Laughing Squid) called them electro-animals, and through the magic of telephone, they are now called circuitboard animals.

I am confused why you are calling these circuitboard animals. That have zero electrical components or electrical circuitboard elements in them.

When you want to go to it, relax don't do it.

Out of Darkness?

I thought he used his heat vision with a mirror. Pretty sure I saw that actually happen, metaphysically of course.
