
I want to be inside that.

C'mon guys, lets be civil about this.

Is Superman still super?


You were thinking it too.

Now playing

I thought of the heart scene from Inerspace.

Umm, bridges really? in 200 years?

2:20 kind of spoils it don't you think? I mean with the bit at the beginning of the trailer. I guess there is the argument of the journey, and who actually lives to at the end.

Yes I admit this one is much better than a post about the ugliest tattoos of one direction.

Drones don't work with all the lights.

Looks like a OUYA. Only you know, with another zero.

O hey! I think we i09ers got sucked in by the gas masks pic.

I agree with the static shock, but that's it. It is also a horrible example for the stuff we are talking about. You are still missing the point. That high potential dissipates so quickly and ends so abruptly the current doesn't have time to do any damage. Aka the thermal rise is slower than the electricity.

Pretty much.

So what you are saying is that to increase human intelligence, we must put mice brain cells in ours?

Sorry I deal with real things, not fake things.

See my comment. Emphasis on the "dumb ass".

Enough voltage can cause death. ;)

Hello, so, little background. I studied electrical engineering and have been working as a product safety engineer for various companies and have dealt with medical and industrial products. What this means is that I help make sure that the products you buy don't zap you! Among other things that are irrelevant to this

Well, you wouldn't be able to get the water droplet to rest on a metal plate without any motion, so I don't think you can replicate this test in space the exact same way.