
They should also call him God of Scowls.

Republication implies syndication/endorsement.

This is interesting considering the recent success of Star Conflict. World of Tanks may try to combat that with it's own sci fi game.

He wouldn't though, cuz they were sweet sweet lovers.

Pictures of family and flags?

Not to mention the fact that RI is one of the most corrupt states going.

As far as I know the IP was awarded to the state, along with everything else 38 Studios owned.

When I scuba dive, I can achieve the sensation of gliding when I am decently close to reefs. It is really an awesome experience.

Cue porno music.

It is probably said a lot, by men, by gamers, or other people, but, I want to be inside that.

You know, the car following him may have set the cameras off, not him.

Leave the WTF stuff to Andrew .

The one in video is free, didn't you listen?

Do those things taste good to you? That's great.

Yeah, I've seen pickups pulling over people before. Was actually pretty cool to see.

Moral of the story: Have cop connections?

My biggest objection to camping is that I don't like pretending I am homeless.

Gifs are the new memes. Which are memes. O wait.

"Speaking of beaks, what's really great about this photo is that there's a bit of evolution at work. "

Agreed. Past are the days when politics were a means to make America better.