Benjamin Zeman

I think a lot of the ending had to do with Fight Club. They were in the same general year and both protrayed a utopia.

It’s like XCOM 2, except they haven’t taken us over.. yet.

You couldn’t just chop down some trees in settlements?

I didn’t really rush to do it. I’ve done some duping like in Diablo or using trainers but I wasn’t really pushing too hard to get caps. I never used the exploit as the game gives out caps a lot through loot that you can then trade. (Charisma set helps)

Otherwise, not a whole lot to buy other than some armor upgrades.

Yeah, Sims games tend to never be complete in general. GOTY editions just don’t exist, at least until a long while after they’re done bleeding the titles.

I still have Sims 3 from that humble bundle that I never got around to playing. xD

I only have good memories from Sims 1 so maybe I don’t want to be corrupted by the newer ones.

This is not dissimilar to most EA games, which is probably why I avoid them in general. They tend to be cut apart to be made later in DLC.

This idea is not entirely unique.

Forty fucking dollars.

I love how he always says ‘they’ but never specifies..

Aye, I think that’s what people are confused about. It exists in the same timeline and continuity, we just haven’t seen any of the ramifications in newer games, yet.

I think the concept of ‘side story’ probably suits it best. Acid is a good example of what’s not canon.

Now playing

Ah, thank you. I have barely messed with the two games. I’m pretty it’s canon as Kojima has stated, even if it leaves some fans with a bad taste in their mouth but it was his vision. Raiden just isn’t up for hiding in cardboard boxes, I suppose.

(First 45 seconds it’s concluded)

Now playing

I haven’t even played MGR except the demo. The way I see it, Big Boss’ last adventure was in MGS4 (5 was a retelling I’m imagining since it deals with Mother Base).

What’s this ‘technically non-canon’ crap about Revengeance? I just did a google search about the matter and as far as I can tell, Kojima calls it as parallel and ‘a continuation of MGS 4’.

Heh, mine broke on the introductory sequence since I never had the pleasure of playing it otherwise.

I plan on getting it, eventually.

If it makes any sense, it’s probably like a better Animal Crossing. I do need to look into it again, since you could go crafter and probably just be able to craft starter/end-tier equipment/cash crops or however you money-make, at least enough to get you started.

Isn’t that the one on the 3DS? It seemed fun, but a lot of hidden background grindage with the different jobs. Still, it’s pretty much an improved Rune Factory.

I haven’t seen it but I did pick up Bravely Default and been messing with that.

You have to be subbed to Playstation Now to have the chance to buy the games or am I missing something?

Exactly, Level-5 is one of my favorites. They definitely pay attention to details.

Yep, I played it. It’s got the same durability system as Diablo 1. E.g. if it breaks, it’s gone forever. That, and it was already archaic.

Dark Cloud 2 was definitely a lot more polished. There were so many systems at work. Inventions, golfing, outfitting the mech, doing speed runs, etc. Was just a good time,

And Rogue Galaxy seemed very hard to emulate, a lot going on.