
BeamNG looks way ahead in my opinion. The chassis actually deforms while the Bugbear looks to just replace the assets with damaged ones which is nothing new, majority of games have been doing that for dacades, the limitation was just the hit spots and amount of locations on the model which Bugbear is pushing.

I have a aluminium bumper case on my iPhone, save my phone tons of times when I accidentally dropped it while getting out of my car etc. So, after reading your article I came to a simple conclusion that Jesus is an idiot, and gives bad advice to others.

I know visuals don't mean it's a bad game, but my god this looks s**t! I've played better looking iOS games.

Actually I can't drive in summer tires in winter, it is illegal where I'm from.

I was about to say the same, without it it looks just like any other boring Testarossa, covers or no deal.

Am I the only one not impressed?

@owen I went to my local Futureshop to ask when will they have more PS4 stock, he said they didn't have any for almost a month. They had some but he said Sony recalled them all due to hardware issues and returns until they understand what is causing the problem. If this is true I am surprised it's not been mentioned

were they for free? wtf?

my first encounter with this was when I was a student with weekend job selling suits. Some men wanted the tags at the end of the suit left on, but we at the shop insisted taking them off. Some guy even argued that they wanted on because it was an expensive suit and they wanted to show off the brand, f***ng sad. Since

Seriously hate that kind of stuff. There is nothing cool about destroying something for pointless reasons just because you can. This money could have been used for something more intelligent than this s**t.

After seeing this I'm not impressed...

got only a 4gb card so I downloaded just this game and really enjoying it.

Two weeks ago I bought a PSVita on craigslist. It has scratches all over, and the right thumbstick is not working well (bought replacement on eBay, waiting for delivery). I paid $50 for the PSVita so considering the bad state it's in I still think it was worth it. Might have to buy one of those skin covers though to

Haha brilliant! I fight with my 2 year old all the time!

I am confused a bit as to what this is doing on Kotaku, is it because its Japanese news and Japan is cool at Kotaku?

That Enya track defines JCVD in so many ways...

The most pathetic article I have ever read on Kotaku, seriously get a life people!

Its a iPod Classic with a case, possibly 160GB, I take it over iPod Touch any day.

Always felt bad for people who had problems with their 360. My orginal xbox I sold because I wanted to upgrade to Elite which is still all perfectly working for me. I have used my PS3 to play 5 games (Uncharted 1-2, God of War 1, Heavy Rain and Last of Us) and few times for blurays, but other than that I use my