
Sad seeing Real Racing associated with EA now and taking all the credit from Firemonkeys Studios who did all the hard work.

I really like this film, but hey, I really liked District 9 too while most of my friends hated it :P

What bothers me most about this trailer is not Kutcher, but the soundtrack used. Steve would be turning in his grave from it, in a bad kinda way.

don't know if that counts as "trade in", but I sold Wii on craiglist which fully paid off my PS3. Reason: Wii = lame.

One part of me is really happy to see that there are people out there who pay attention to the work us interface designers do, then there is the other part who's thinking "seriously, get a life f****g people!"

Some of us could have much worst jobs than games industry. Although it does suck when it happens we're often grateful for being paid doing something we love and enjoy.

They're pretty amazing, and I wonder how well these sculptures will age. Will they last few hundred years like Michelangelo's Statue of David? Will be sad if it all just disintegrates and gets forgotten.

For those missing some, there are more directly on his page

Somehow I wouldn't be surprised if Sony and Microsoft asked Ubisoft to make the game on current gen look worst than it's capable of looking, just to encourage next gen console sales, or simply to make the next gen games look little bit better. Some of you would be surprised of the trickery that developers do out there

Now playing

For some reason this dude reminds me a bit of Tyrone Biggums :P

I've worked with guys who worked with Fish, and they told me he's an arrogant douchebag who thinks the world owes him something and everyone in games industry is below him. Since Fez became a success he got even worst. Now I don't personally know Phil, but from reading his twitter it's hard to argue otherwise.

She's got a little kid in a pram that probably made her day a nightmare and now shes having a mental breakdown. Give her a break :P

Did I miss a point as to what this ad have to do with Kotaku? Or is everything japanese now related to gaming?

I don't mind the way it looks on the outside, actually I think it looks pretty cool for a hybrid. My disappointment is with the interior, looks really dull and borring, the outside might look like future but the interior looks far from it. Considering its what I look and and where I spend most of the time I expected

Microsoft promised a lot of free content to Xbox Live Gold members too when it was announced, in 7 years I got f*** all free. PS4 and PlayStation Plus for me next thank you, not trusting sh** they say this time around.

I was having a discussion with a friend about this recently, comparing games like Uncharted vs Uncharted 3 vs The Last of Us and Halo 3 vs Halo 4. The visual difference is so big it's unbelievable that they are on the same gen hardware.

Not played Crackdown, Fable 2 and 3, Shadow Complex, PGR4?

Looks a bit like Ingress