
I don't believe in god, but it's in moments like these when I doubt in my believes.... This guy just wasn't ready to go....

I wouldn't trust the Moscow officials if I was you regarding the average salary. This has a nice breakdown. http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/city_result.jsp?country=Russia&city=Moscow

if the rewind time feature is your only argument for it not being a sim enough man you shouldn't get involved in this tread. no offence. Did you compare the damage physics of Forza 4 with GT5?

gives Kiss of Death a new meaning...

This guy should move to China, could make a fortune! :P

hahaha LOLOLOL classic! :) Cocaine is a hell of a drug!

seriously? you're starting to sound a bit bitter.

I love that The Lexus LF-Lc picture in Sydney, wonder if car's glove box still works when its "upside-down"

I would if I was american ;)

When playing the demo I had to keep reminding myself I was playing Forza and not Dirt4. It feels a bit as if it was partly made by the Dirt guys... ow wait, it was.

This is stupid and I won't support it. Yes, so Lance Armstrong was using enhancing drugs for his cycling fetish, but at the end of the day nobody will take away the fact that this man has beaten cancer and put allot of effort to cancer awareness around the world.

Sounds like a pretty cool exec if you ask me.

Are you really using this as a comparison? Seriously? I think you need to read the article again and review you comment.

Who cares, pfft, people only care if it makes Apple look bad.

since I was a little kid I always wanted a RC car, my dad promised me one for my 10th birthday and he never kept that promise, hurts me to this day :P I know nothing about them and their specs but I still love to get one.

gutted I've missed out on this comp, grrr, I got so many scale models which would be great for this!

You forgot to mention that you need Xbox Live Gold to use Internet Explorer on Xbox, which is totally ridiculous.

Agree, I think it's really disrespectful to the editing team, art directors, lighting directors etc etc and Lucas. I know there is a huge fanboyism involved within StarWars universe, and sure some parts do look nicer like green reflections on the canon (blue didn't make sense to me) but I'm sure they made sense to

guaranteed to be a bestseller... in Japan for teenage girls.

Originally the first transparent xbox's were development kits only (transparent green and transparent white). Later Microsoft released them as retail versions.