
The value of xbox life account on the market is based on profile history and achievements it comes with, not purchases it has worth. An xbox account with 100k achievements is worth more than a xbox account with no achievements but 100$ worth of purchases. To unlock 100k+ achievements takes months, years of gameplay.

Agree, those were stunning. I think its a close between FC2 and Red Dead.

is it just on my PC or is this video seriously lagging?

Now playing

reminded me of this, though not as boxy (15m16s)

work PC? :P

if $2100 is considered cheap for a camera, I guess my T3i was a freebie ;) lol

She is on this list, with many others missing from the giz one.

Sure any rifle CAN be a hunting rifle, you can probably use Barrett M82 for hunting too, but seriously is it practical? Anyways, people are clearly divided on the opinion of gun laws and I am willing to respect your opinion on it, but I hope the other side can respect my opinion too. This is like talking religion, it

I really thought it will have some resemblance or reference to Terminator, but it doesn't :(

Wish iPhone had stats to view which apps you spend most time on.

It's very challenging to make a massive open world game (like Skyrim or GTA) to have as high level of detail as a small closed environment game like F1 2012. The amount of textures needed, loading times, organic vs inorganic 3D models etc etc all plays large roles. If you have a closer look at the characters in the

Outside of Kickstarted this is how it's been working in games industry for years with 3rd party developers signing away their original IPs as part of publishing deal. Not surprised at all.

I'd be interested to read a review from someone who played a lot of 2010 and 2011 career mode. Personally really liked 2011, played quite a few seasons. My only problem with it is it didn't feel like a career mode, maybe my expectations are too high but I was expecting a more intriguing experience as a new driver who

I've been using the new map in Montreal Canada, and the 3D works surprisingly well, though I do miss Street View allot.

just tried it and for the first time got it working, maybe Apple just enabled it? dunno...

Not Part of the 99%

I can't get Passbook to work, is it because I'm using GM?

Looks nice. Regardless of some people's negative opinion on iPhones, one thing I give Apple credit for is giving the mobile phone market a massive kick in the behind to start designing and creating more compelling designs.

nope. poo it is.

what is 'sorta' annoying is the stupid question you have posted in the first place.