
@Sabbatai: well, yes and no :) I have in mind new story related missions and for ME2 I wouldn't count Normandy Crash Site since it wasn't big of a deal in my opinion. All the gear/weapons since is also a bit blah, I ended up using other gear instead as I found it better. The two missions released for ME1 were total

nice! I hope they release more stuff than they did for the first one, me likey!

@Koztah: my appologies, I mixed it up, its GamesBuzz I had in mind, not GameZone...

@Mokon: I see your point, but I guess one of the reasons I like Steam allot is because I play games at work too, so I can just login to my Steam account and install it on my work PC (even when I have it installed at home). I wish they uploaded save progress too.

I would love a well made Superman game, and I think Rocksteady could pull it off.

I hate shops like EB Games and Game Zone, bunch of thieves!

man I hope this get's released in Canada....one day.... in the future....

I can't wait to play as Ruuney, Christan Roneldo, Kika, Czos Fobergas etc etc....

@Sonyphonics: you're not the only one, reason why I don't understand how this 'game' won if already two users are confused...unless that is the point :P

out of them all Heavy Rain is the game I am least interested in, the gameplay shown in videos just doesn't appeal to me...

31 Body Parts? I would like to see a video of them testing that..... or maybe not :P

could someone explain what does the 3D bluray do and 3D TV? why do you need both? do you still need glasses? then why do I need 3D player and TV? there are already bluray movies with 3D glasses which work without 3D player and 3D TV..... I'm a bit confused...

No no no, WW2 as FPS are done, sorry. I don't know about the rest of you but after all the Medal of Honours, Call of Duty, Battlefields and whatever other WW2 games I can't stand it, I have not played World at War and I don't plan on playing another WW2 game, are they really running out of ideas? If we want war games

Bah, I was hoping it would be same version as on PSP, but that again, it would probably be too big and nobody would pay 40$ for it... I'll wait for some reviews before I get cop that sh;t...

MW2 online + spec ops (finished SP)

nice! a bit of my home here in Montreal!

Erm, I don't think she is working on the sequel as far as I heard

I would like to see numbers with these, wonder how much they (PS games) accualy sell these days...

Awsome game, played it for about 3 hrs now, love it. Nice depth as well with all the interesting challanges and items to collect that are part of story.

I agree that the collectors edition from OF isn't anything special, but you honestly think MW2 collectors edition is stupid? I think its decent for people who like those kind of games. Its collectors edition, you don't like then don't buy... simple...