Isn’t that third pic two guys or do I need better glasses?
A bad wrap is an unappetizing sandwich made of fillings wrapped in a tortilla. A bad rap—otherwise known as a bum rap—is dishonor resulting from false accusations or trumped-up charges.
Excuse me, but the most powerful figure in chess is a woman, and calling her a lunatic is a typical patriarchy response to a strong woman.
Andromeda is getting kicked around more then it should but tbh. Its not an an amazing game. Its mediocre, which is painful since its the sequel to one of the top rated RPG trilogy of all time. [I am sure someone is going to whine but look at metacritic].
I was thinking something like JavaScript would be a good choice since you can use it for front end and back end development.
No, they’re not. This game is a step backward for the franchise in every aspect, technical and artistic.
Compared to the original Mass Effect, this game reads like a fan fiction mod. The story, the dialogue, the animations, the voice acting....they’re all terrible. I went into the trial thinking people were overreacting.
Yeah, because I’ve never had to restart my Xbox One or Ps4 before. Come on. :’D
When this occured on Saturday, I thought it was Nintendo Servers being destroyed by everyone trying to get into the Splatoon 2 Testfires, but after seeing people streaming it and being able to connect to the Wii U eShop it wasevident that it was the Switch itself that had the problem. An actual reboot with the power…
I think you could start shooting the guys dropping from dropships back in Halo Combat Evolved
And I don’t want to hear a voice that reminds me that the actor thinks my race is inherently violent and criminal.
confused. does AMD even have a card that has more than 8gb of vram? A quick newegg search for that gpus with more than 8gb of vram only resulted in Nvidia’s Titan X and 1080ti.
Negative comment regarding Mass Effect: Andromeda.
Look on the bright side: Mario Kart will almost be out.
Look on the bright side: Mario Kart will almost be out.
Thanks! I need to go back to those community classes to use the world wide web. Also, my modem no longer makes the dial up sound, I’m sure something is wrong with it.
PC only would not raise the minimum price. Nearly everyone already has / needs a pc. Throw a GTX 1050 into any computer and you can now game. FYI PC is definitely cheaper over time as well.
Leak or guessed? Either way he’s a press sneak fuck
The sequel to Shadow of Mordor is called Shadow of War. Warner Bros. hasn’t quite announced this yet, but Target…