Zeus, The Almighty.

You’re disappointed? I thought it said “Whore Mode”.

Geoff Keighley


Yeah, but he’s probably miserable and is afraid to actually make a meaningful connection.

It should have been amended to include an apology.

The one sentence at the end totally clears it up and makes the tone of the rest of the article okay. /s

threaten your new host with violence, by fleeing from a country threatening you with violence. ok.

As a man, I have a great idea.
If women would like to be heard more in the workplace, when one woman makes a point, the other women in the room should reiterate the idea and credit the initial speaker.

“Those cops have chasing-a-black-man speed!”

The genre is referred to as AG Racing, which stands for anti-gravity. But sure, let’s continue argue over shit for no reason.

You did a pretty terrible job of giving up on Kotaku.

Well, they both spend a lot of time talking about walls.

If only Steve Jobs had loved chemo, we could ask him.

It's Been Real
Now playing

Well, folks, it’s been awesome. Got one last Deltron track for you, which, surprisingly, comes from Battleborn, and

I cut my mention of Monster Hunter because I haven’t played those games enough to feel like I could say anything authoritative.

We also have the freedom to kneel if we want to when we hear the anthem. Or turn our backs. Or dance a jig. Those people died for her freedom to do that too.

“In other news, I’ve literally never won a game of Scrabble in my life.”


Holy crap. I’m impressed.