Nah, it’s Gamebryo.
Nah, it’s Gamebryo.
Armageddon reference? Nice.
He’s talking about FFXIV.
Needs better writers and voice actors.
Yeah, I don’t get it either. I saw the drag show at Montreals pride fest this year and I just... didn’t get it. Like, two of the performers had talent. The rest were just dudes dressing like what a 12 year old would think a crack addict looks like, jumping around on stage, lip syncing about dicks or something.
64-bit mod support!!!1!11!!!
I don’t even know where to start with you.
I don’t know what the fuck it is about this GameXplain guy, but I just can’t distinguish the words coming out of his mouth.
I’m the same, but I feel determined now to play them all. Gonna try my luck at some LFG sites and see what happens.
That would break the lore. It wouldn’t be Destiny anymore.
Quiet with your historical accuracy. I play video games to escape the real world.
Dashboard runs fine now, what are you on about?
Loved reading your stuff over the weekend. Hope to see you back soon!
Keep writing like this and I’m sure you’ll get picked up somewhere.
Purchasing Battleborn is my biggest regret in life.
Also, Doc, you’re good shit. Why aren’t you full time here?
Hey now, I’ve got physical copies of Diablo 3/RoS.... and... BF4?
Your kid calls you Papa? That’s odd.
I’m just getting flashbacks to that really fucking annoying kid from The Road.