Zeus, The Almighty.

The world already knows Justin Bieber is a completely shitty person. That's not newsworthy.

I want to know if it's going to be like Treyarch zombies or if it's just going to be a reskinned exo mode. The former would get a purchase.

Surprisingly well! Her father was a little standoffish but she claims that's just the way he is around new people. I got my lady friend to report back to me about what they thought of me and apparently they liked me! Her family is incredibly short which threw me off a little at first lol. Her dad, the tallest in the

Can't agree more. MK8 is da best.

I want you to go read the title of this article.

Akatosh be with you.

Wise words, Mumbo.

I've been dating a girl for about 7 months and am meeting her parents for the first time today. Wish me luck.

I agree with you, but, I've come to love putting that shit in a frying pan. The toppings are still depressingly cold but the base is nice and crispy. Best of both worlds if you ask me.

The pets stretch goal was reached, and it wasn't 90 mil. It was like 62 mil.

Doesn't appeal to me/10

Is it really "free" with the season pass? I mean, the season pass is a means to get all of the DLC at a discount. Nothing comes free, though.

You mean... I didn't have to buy that tote bag?


Star Citizen states before every purchase that what you're about to buy isn't necessary and that only a starting game package is needed to play.

And you don't find that sexy?

That was very impressive voice work.

Why are you so adamant about this? The back view is the regular gamepad, sure, but the front view is clearly different.

I tried watching the original series a few weeks back when I noticed it was on netflix. It's awful. Completely unwatchable (which isn't a word, apparently). It made no goddamn sense.

Goddamn I need to watch some Who's Line.