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So basically Escaflowne?
‘Old Nan specifically tells Bran that Willas was kicked in the head by a horse as child, rendering him unable to say anything but “Hodor.”’
I tried to watch the first episode and this show was terrible.
Me too! I thought we were getting a Lost Stars comic adaptation!
There’s some speculation that she was part of the Rebels season 2 finale.…
They’re xenophobic in favor of humans. They don’t discriminate within the species.
Yes, Astro! I mean, Astrid! ;)
Lost Stars was really good, but also really sad and hard to read at times!
Consent seems to be a problem in our society.
I’m enjoying the comic so far, but I hope the show doesn’t end up outpacing the comic and then we get a ton of filler (looking at you TWD).
The ending to Preacher was amazing. I’ll never forget that final shot.
I would punch someone too if they questioned my presence in the bathroom. FFS.
Outlander is pretty good, but it’s full of rape, so a lot like GoT I guess.
It’s the same at Anime conventions too. I don’t see why people are suddenly getting their feelings hurt over this.
OK, but some people actually do need it. Also, why turn down free deodorant? Most people going are probably going to recognize this isn’t specifically aimed at them and if someone gets butthurt over it then that’s their own perogative.
At first I was like, “This is dumb.” Then I was like, “Ohhhhhhhhhh.”
So... Just like any other RPG then?