
I agree actually. I think everyone would have rather have seen KotOR III. I’ll take what I can get though and I don’t mind an MMO. As far as solo-ability this can be a big question with MMOs as some people want to play them without having to group (but still like MMO aspects like the economy, chat, etc.). I think

So basically you don’t like a multiplayer game because of its multiplyer-ness. Good to know. Move along here; there’s obviously nothing for you to see except for more whining and bitching.

Oops, HK-47. You get the point. ;)

There are different writers for the different storylines so there is a difference. Some of them write multiple storylines. My favorites are the Sith Inquisitor and Bounty Hunter. I guess you could look up to see which ones people recommend? It depends on play style too as you can play any class light side or dark.

So what’s the alternative when the servers got merged, screw the other guy instead of you?

You can get Hk-51 as a companion who is a lot like HK-57. HK-57 also makes a cameo.

I thought Sith Inquisitor and Bounty Hunter were great as well as Sith Warrior and that crazy turning point.

I used to play EQ back in the day also. You need to join a guild and run some operations with teamspeak if you’re looking for strategic fights (It can be really challenging but a lot of fun!). When the flash points first came out and were hard those also needed strategy but now they are a lot easier so people blow

They did. There used to be 12xp before this expansion and before the last one and it was easy to blow through. You still can actually. I made a new character and have only leveled with class missions.

That's not counting people who have downloaded the client and don't load it through Steam.

The Restored Content Mod was a vast improvement on the original KotOR II, which was a mess. Most people think of KotOR II now with the restored content back in.

People can't make you skip the dialog though. If they are urging you on just tell them you haven't seen the cutscenes before. Any respectable group I've been in like that has always obliged. Or you can just ignore them.

As in your companions are so OP now they can heal you while you sit there and do nothing and you never die. Hurry before this gets nerfed!

I don’t remember any flash points being critical story wise for the game except maybe the two Darth Malgus ones at level 50.

I just started replaying again and you can now solo most heroic quests due to OP companions.

The cantina in Star Wats wasn't a bunch of aliens yelling? I don't get it... How is this any different?

Torso looks fine to me:

He broke his sternum and was medically discharged from the Marines before he could deploy with his unit.

Who’s going to ban them, China?

Why are you concerned with Adam Driver?