
Did she regret it?

I worked in intelligence and we saw a lot of those videos. So yes, they are real.

Proud 59s here.

I actually just finished Fallout 1 having never played it before. It took a while to get used to the controls, but in the end the game really was worth it once you get into the meat and potatoes of it. Great game overall and I would recommend you playing longer than 5 minutes. We all know how intro/tutorial levels can

With that attitude, people never would have gotten off of Taris in KotOR.

Rip-Its saved my life on convoy security duty.

It’s really a perverse kind of shaming that takes away bodily autonomy. It’s like making your kid wear super embarrassing clothes (like spandex) to school and knowing them at kids are going to laugh at them... Which my parents did to me

I assumed you’d be able to play before the bombs hit too.

YES! THANK YOU! That was one thing that stood out to me. The trailer was not CGI (or so it seemed). We (probably) got to see real engine footage and not some super spruced-up look at a version we were never gonna play!

Deathclaws. Why’d it have to be Deathclaws?

I think she's awesome.

I’d rent an Ossan.

What was the reason she looked like that in the film?

Looks like a washing machine arcade game.

People are pissed that Sansa didn’t get raped in the books. The writers made that happen.

I've never had problems getting my drink and no one has ever gotten angry at me for missing my drink if I'm in the bathroom and don't hear my name called.

Wait, what? Why would they even do that?

I use the crisping sleeve to hold the hot pocket all the time.

Still gives off an uncanny valley vibe.

You have to realize how inundated women get on these dating sites. It might just be unfortunate bad luck for you and not anything you are doing. As a woman who has used a dating site, I eventually get to the point where I can’t even muster the energy to look at all the messages and soon get burnt out.