

I hate to say it, but a lot of these are really bad.


Funny, as a woman I had no problem with that .gif at all.

Where's my buff manly naked Nords mod? HMMMM? (Actually, I wonder if that exists....)

I know, it looks like it belongs in an anime.

Yeah, that's fine and all, but he's putting it out there for all of us to see and I'm going to call it out as being just creepy.

Well if he's going to share his "fantasy" with the rest of us then he deserves to be judged.

He's probably the same kind of person who takes off all the clothes of their Night Elf in WoW and has them dance.

The video would have been pretty awesome if it wasn't for the character's ridiculous looking armor. Really, who goes traipsing around the forest dressed like that?

Destiny doesn't look any different than just the next Halo. Guess I'll have to wait to see more but I was hoping for something a little different.

Wish the video resolution was a bit better.

I know, the rabbit hole kept getting deeper the more and more I read. Check out her journals on DeviantArt, some serious WTF right there.

She scammed someone out of $250 before that on a commission and her reply was pretty atrocious: http://artists-beware.livejournal.com/622758.html?page=1

This is ridiculous. Soldiers wore those masks before Call of Duty made them popular.

The only old school music I can really listen to is the FFVI soundtrack because its composure is just amazing.

The only old school music I can really listen to is the FFVI soundtrack because its composure is just amazing.

The only old school music I can really listen to is the FFVI soundtrack because its composure is just amazing.

The only old school music I can really listen to is the FFVI soundtrack because its composure is just amazing.

The only old school music I can really listen to is the FFVI soundtrack because its composure is just amazing.