To the Moon [DRM-Free] ($4) |
To the Moon [DRM-Free] ($4) |
WHICH ONE HAS GROWLITHE?!?! THAT'LL BE HOW I DECIDE!!! (but seriously, which one was Growlithe?)
I'm glad you enjoyed Tomb Raider, I really enjoyed the game. Never bothered with Multiplayer since I had Arkham Asylum and City in my queue. :3
I raise you with Archer, Adventure Time and Attack on Titan
If anyone needs to know why they made this video look at this play by Faker (he's the one who wins the fight)
If anyone needs to know why they made this video look at this play by Faker (he's the one who wins the fight)
I recommend Battle Royale. It's the director's cut which is very nice :D
Earliest memory I have of playing a video game was when I was around 4, living in Honduras and they let me play Super Mario Brothers for the NES. Was kinda hooked since then.
I kinda want that Pacific Rim deal but I don't need 4 versions of the film, one blu-ray will do for me...
This is something Riot is trying to address. There are a lot of teams and most people don't know them. What riot does are these little videos that highlight the players and who they are and what they like, etc etc.
This allows you to see more the player than the champion they play. For me I enjoy almost all the teams…
In the pool with have Android but not iPad? wtf =\
Yeah, it does the job for me too. I was just looking for a deal :)
Damn it, I needed a wired xbox controller 2 months ago, I had to buy a gamestop version cause it was the cheapest I could find. :3
Out of the AAA games I've played Tomb Raider was the one I spent most time playing, was nice to see a refreshing take on the game.
Indie game, Rogue Legacy. Holy crap was that game fun!
No, it's not coming out for the PC :(
Brothers code doesn't work anymore? :(
hahahahahaha this was a good laugh. thank you!!!
Annie is ok
Also, yay, been wanting a new pair of Jeans
After seeing some responses I have to agree, RTS is probably my least favorite kind of games to play. While I don't think they're bad games they just require a huge investment of time that I sometimes have trouble giving.