
That's what I've been told. I just need to commit a bit more extra time into the game and I'm sure I'll love it even after it's slow start. Unfortunately other games have caught my attention and keep me coming back (FTL: Faster Than Light has had me log in 60hrs...)

Best deal I've gotten so far during these sales has been Metro Last Light for a penny. Worth it!

I was really excited for Dishonored but the first part of the game didn't grab me in the way Bioshock Infinite did. I will continue it soon enough.

Thanks, I downloaded the demo and about to give that a try to see if it's my flavor. I know I've sunked 60+ hours already into FTL: Faster Than Light but it's a different flavor game but right now I'm kinda in a space frenzy :D

Please vote for Gunpoint.

Please... Pretty please?

Also, anyone can recommend that Space Program game? Any fun? Worth?

Dear Steam

Coo' coo', making sure. =P

Fuck these Origin sales. =\

Don't speak ill of Shane, he does his best for us!

Worked, downloading.

I'm very tempted to buy Skyrim Legendary... I'm not sure @.@

I enjoy steam, it's all linked to me and when I switch computers I could install my games on my new computer. Plus they got some great deals!

If you haven't bought Drive on blu-ray, do it now!

The 30% off Old Navy... Time to buy some clothes! :3

I used to buy used games, then I discovered the Moneysaver.

When I did though, I would sell them back.

I've only played Fallout 3 :(

I owned a DS and 3ds and Xbox 360.

Dreamfall: The Longest Journey

It was a game by Funcom and I love Anarchy Online and whatnot. While the story was amazing the gameplay was terrible. It was a 60 dollar story dragged out by gameplay mechanics that were terrible.

Game I put most hours into would have to be "Anarchy Online" but that's an MMO

Non-MMO Game...

Probably Banjo Kazooie, I beat that game 2-3 times back in the days. I would just play and say "Nowyoucanflyhighinthesky" and fly all daaaaaaayyyy!
