
You weren't missing much with the S7, that car was kind of a piece of shit. Most of the twin-turbo ones dynoed at way less than 750 HP, and the one we had (which I actually think was the one you used for the photograph), was sort of like a Ford GT, only way worse. I pulled off the entire center console by accident

I appreciate the journalistic integrity. Many companies have policies however that as long as the gift is of reasonably small value, is truly a gift rather than veiled financial compensation, and that the gift is fully disclosed, and isn't accepted during a time of decision, that it can be deemed ok to keep.

As much

Good god this keeps happening! Why do people keep buying Ferrari's?!

Yes and no.

Say what you will about Buckler and his organization (I have nothing against them except for that they were Start and Parkers in NASCAR which is just about the lamest thing any pro racing organization can do), but I don't see how this is someone "not being able to take a joke" when in reality Buckler paid a

Nothing beats the Iron Man color scheme.