
Praise the sun, Jack

Mentally ill people are mostly likely to direct violence towards themselves, not others. The mass-shooting pathology is rooted in masculinity and is predicted by domestic violence.

Get Out 2: Why the Fuck Did You Go Back In?

This article is very clearly not trying to say that no women use sex to draw in viewers, as evidenced by the last paragraph in which they talk to a streamer who blatantly and openly admits to doing so. The point of the article is that people assume that this is the ONLY business model that any woman who streams, ever,

“Small government for my money, big government for your pussy.”

“You want to talk about homophobia? I work with Ellen Page, who fights for LGBT rights. You want to talk about racism? I work with Jesse Williams, who fights for civil rights in the USA... Judge me by my work.

The situation wouldn’t have existed if the police were trained to fire only after being fired upon, rather than to fire if they feel “scared.” There is no reason that we should be making any excuses for the officer that killed an unarmed man. Not even “Well, it was a false call.” The police should be held to a higher

Counterpoint: If we aren’t a shit hole, why aren’t more Norwegians coming here?

Or a great idea to make the Switch’s killer sales jump even higher. 3-4 switch sales for every one sale of Dark Souls.

Kyle MacLachlan should have won and Twin Peaks: The Return should have been nominated for things and won them.

Ewan McGregor was great on Fargo but Kyle MacLachlan was a fucking revelation. Hope he gets plenty of other awards for playing Cooper this year.

“It doesn’t matter that most of the time no one shoots me with that thing,” wrote Reddit user BitterBubblegum. “Constantly expecting it is the thing that reduces the enjoyment.”

The Swat also have over two dozen ways to confirm a hostage situation is real and an outrageous amount of tools to verify whats going on and if the call actually came from the adress. No excuse here.

No, fuck you for saying he’s not as guilty. An innocent man isn’t murdered in his own home unless both parties do what they did. The caller and the cop should both go up on manslaughter or murder charges, depending on what statute allows.

Fucking cops. This guy needs to face the death penalty because he murdered an innocent man, yet he won’t cause “blue lives matter” and all that bullshit. You know we’re fucked when cops have their own flag and happily put Punisher logos on their shit. We need to get them back in line now, before it’s too late

I mean, falsely reporting a crime is something you can be punished for. And he probably will be.

“I’m really tired of native Black American who think they know more about any African culture than a white American just because their ancestor came from there 4-5 generations ago.”

I think you dropped this: 🎤