don't know how it looks on you yet?...and that's the whole point of dressing rooms?...
Track: Black Smoke | Album: Immortal Legacy | Artist: Hirax
Just wait until they can do the same:
"We will now test how your brain can come up with dirty tactics now that the room is flooded with deadly neurotoxins."
Finally! All those years of German pay off!
Dear Games Industry,
We're not paying attention to Resident Evil or your "Survival Horror" Genre anymore because you've killed the survival horror genre.
Here's how you're marketing it now:
"Coming this summer, a new chilling chapter in what we are now calling Survival Horror: Fuck Ton Of Guns, Zombie Explosion IV. …
Someone should get all these people in touch so they can swap and get what they wanted. Then shoot them.
This is stupid in the sense that nobody gives a fuck about it. The only reason why it's published and get views is because it's outrageous. If Kotaku and other websites would take the responsibility of selecting quality content and not just forward random bullshit this guy would make no money at all. Nobody's saying…
I often play the role of Heavy Woman on Vibrating Machine. Awww yeah.
She did also get to be "Woman wearing pants"!
Game name: Max Payne 3
Sucking much of the life out of the franchise with his solemn frown and humour deficiency, the series has swiftly moved on without him, the only people seemingly caring to remember being cosplayers and a crowd on Tumblr who immortalise him with fanart and fanfiction.
Fascinating. I'll alert the media.
Strip The Flesh, Salt the Wound
It costs a brazillion dollars!
Sure. Just like the last two presidents (Clinton, who "dodged" the draft by receiving a student deferment, and Bush, who "evaded" the draft by using connections to secure non combat duty during Vietnam in the Texas reserve). Just like a full quarter of our past presidents, including such luminaries as John Adams;…
I don't think it was inappropriate. The man is Will before he is 'Captain'; he's a human being, not just a tool of war.
I am not american and I am against war, I blame the US for too much misery in the world, but this guy, he didn't start the war, maybe even he doesn't want to be there, but he was there and was brave.
Most glitched out GTA ived seen...its insane how everything goes berserk at the end