
@Vorbix: Ok, the joke's on me, I didn't get that. That's what happens when you write comments in three different windows and don't pay close enough attention...

I know you probably didn't mean it this way, Luke, but just to make sure, Nazi submarines are not a taboo subject in Germany (have you watched or read "Das Boot"/"The Boat"?), tv programs here are full of documentaries, both ones made by Germans and ones made by historians from other countries, that highlight all

@Brobama Tito Brohey the Third: This is horrible. I can see how this might be funny for Americans (and others), but anyone actually visiting Germany or studying contemporary German history will quickly realize that this is the complete opposite of what is really going on here.

@user_21938: I am not sure how you mean this. The prohibition of the public display of "symbols hostile to the constitution" (including but not limited to the Hakenkreuz), whatever else you may think about it, is not equal to denying the past, on the contrary, it is part of a set of legal measures to ensure that the

I would have gotten one if they shipped the PS3 in the same pink as the PS2. But with black? No.

What did the wee Bash write next to the German flag? :-)

@Tracid: There are also no trapdoors to spiked pits, so why don't you just have a seat while I fix you a latte?

@Ed_209: "It's time to kick ass and chew flakes and I'm all outta flakes."

@vernon_v: I wanna take you for a bite! Awesome, choked on my müsli seeing this.

The Saboteur. What a little gem this game is! I keep coming back for more, and this weekend I'll be clearing another two or three sectors. Top o' the morning to y'all.

@rogXue: If you don't care, why do you get so upset about it? Just ignore it. And what difference does it make for your kid, anyway?

@BritBloke916: You would think it's for your eyes only, yes.

I say evolve the franchise to show the other side of military service and name it Call of Duty: Modern Welfare: you know, fighting floods, bushfires and other natural disasters, distributing food and medicine, pacifiyng protestors at G8 summits, protecting gay rights street parades, helping elderly people across the

@chrollo0427: Glad I'm not the only one who doesn't find any of these funny. They should have made a shopcontest out of this, that would have guaranteed some lols.

Bouncers showing up at the premises? So 2K is taking over Infinity Ward?

Rumor has it that Uwe Boll is already working on the screenplay.

Surprisingly enough, Resident Evil 5. There are so many things I absolutely hate about that game, but there is one staple of the franchise it remained true to: the satisfaction of repeatedly shooting people in the face with a Magnum. Just what I need this weekend.

@Michael Dukakis: I certainly don't want to wait until it's delivered under the Santa Monica.

At first I read 'Fire Walk With Me 2' and was a bit excited to find out there was a game set in the Lynch universe, but then. Bummer.

@Arnheim: Just for the record, I think it's a girl. And yes, Kotaku discussions are archived on records - 'cause it's hip, non-conformist and 80s.