
@Friedhamster: If some Microsoft CEO will slip Rockstar A Fistful of Dollars again, he will be a Dead Man.

@Friedhamster: I hope they'll support the game with DLC For A Few Dollars More.

@Helba: "I prevented myself from using the word "F*m*n*z*" out of respect for AJ, but it's close enough to the truth. "

@Gruntybreath: "But in a game as banal as MW2, gender has little place. It's a tremendous, shooty, masculine fantasy."

@Hearthole: You just lost. The sequence goes veni, vidi, vici.

For me, there is just one thing they should have changed to propel this game from a solid B to a AAA: instead of the ridiculous high number of generic targets that are a tedious chore to blow up, they should have made just 20-25% of those, but each one more individual and memorable; as in, you would really have to

@D-K, Anarchist: I agree, for fox sake, if he had had a craig at the local multiplayer, he'd stop rantin' and raven about the game. I guess sometimes it's just hard to see the forest for all the trees.

@Rachel Fogg: I take it you do not agree with the thesis at the end of the article that Kristen tries to make up for some of her own lost childhood because she became a mother at 18, yes? Ever wonder who took care of her? We will have millions of similar family situations as long as we keep forcing the care-taking of

@McWarrior: You asked "Why would people want to play as the Americans in a WW2 game more than they would in a modern war game?"

I love how the article strikes Germany a blow in passing, only to go on and show that it's worse down-under.

@ShadowOdin of dubious snowiness: Which Sony published game exactly do you miss on PSN? Looking at the list of PS1 games published by Sony, I can't find a single title of those which are frequently demanded by fanboys (e.g. Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, Xenogears &c.). Except maybe Wild Arms 2, which is on PSN US but

@-MasterDex-: 1) SCEE has no control over which publisher submits what for PSN. 2) Apparently there are enough kids and families out there buying these games to make it worthwhile for the publishers to upload them.

@Villain-Number-12: You're right, I think they should start banning players who break the speed limit in GTA4, it ruins the game for me and puts me at an unfair disadvantage, because my religious and ecological believes do not allow me to use a car in that game at all, I can only walk.

@Mister Jack started the Save The Lombax Foundation: How is it an "unfair advantage" if anyone can do it? It might make the game less fun, but it is definitely not cheating or placing anyone at a disadvantage. What is placing you at a disadvantage here is your own personal code of honor that keeps you from adopting

"Which we didn't know about. We'd only dreamed about."

@DarkestHero: They have are already working on the sequel. :-)

Everyone who buys this owes me. One! Hundred! Nazi! Scalps! And I want my scalps. #thesaboteur

Hemingway vs Capcom - The Old Man and the New Age of Eros.