
It is kind of frustrating Hrothgar and Viera can’t use gyr abanian plait.  Favorite hairstyle in the game, and would make the rare hair even more rare if more people wanted it.

Thats gachapon games. a 1 time $2k is nothing for a Whale.

I don’t buy a game to keep in backlog, but i do let things fall by the side.  Cyberpunk might be getting another try this month.  See if the patches for PS4 improved quality on PS5.  The game played fine except for 1. quest glitch, but was resolved via autosave 5 minute prior, and the worst problem was the game just

investing in infrastructure costs money. businesses only tend to spend money on necessary things. archiving data is not necessary, until the data is lost.

ME Legendary Hype!

The big elephant in the room was some of my friends dragging me back to Everquest on one of the TLP servers. I finally was able to do some raids, in era, that I wasn’t able to do 20 years ago. Meeting some cool new folks along the way was a nice bonus. Destiny 2 was another big one that got a lot of my time finaly.

Hats off to the esports sponser of his for doing the right thing.

If a white guy dropped the n bomb in the nba, he’d be let go from the team. Zero respect from the Heat management for not cutting this guy immediately.

Natsuko Ishikawa . She’s pretty much the best writer in the biz right now, don’t @ me.

Her credits are Endwalker MSQ (Upcoming), Shadowbringers MSQ, 2.0 CCH, BCOB, CT, Rogue, DRK quest series.  So basically some of the best works in the game are her works in terms of writing.

Whats the point in hurrying up when it’s a story driven game? If your desired experience of the game is to do raiding only, then just pay for a jump.
You can’t grasp the gravitas of an event without laying the foundation of understanding.

Will probably be another Fire Emblem Fighter announced.

I phone in PvP whenever I play it. Inevitably, someone has a gun that’s stupid strong for pvp, and my light level like 100 over them doesn’t mean jack shit.

Just waiting for more crash patches.  Other than the crashes, which are incredibly annoying it’s a fun game to play on PS5

basically this

Tempted to dip back into Cyberpunk and see if some of the updates fixed performance issues (read: crashing) on PS5 (ps4 copy).

Through games, I’ve been able to keep in touch with friends like that too. Not only that, from a friend dragging me back into an MMO, I’ve been able to reconnect with another childhood friend I hadn’t talked to in so long.

You need to play games less, and start reading more news about politics that you can’t do anything about at that given moment.

I mean, I understand the stance and the complaint.

What I wish for is how the news was treated in America for god knows how many of years. Before Ruport Murdoch and Ronald Reagan fucked us for decades. The news was the news. There wasn’t a spin on it. There was a bias. It was just the news. Not news entertainment. Not anderson cooper baiting people into being racist

I feel like we need a modern day fairness doctrine and disclaimers that take up half of a show.