
To imply they get monthly updates substantive of major FFXIV releases is misleading. Yoshida has said the newest patch that drops in like 11 days is one of the largest / most ambitious yet, with 2.1-2.5 crunch, flying old world, and more. Flying in old world is something other MMO’s would add as a expansion type

But I need a $1100 iphone 11 pro, it’s a status symbol so i can shit on android users - typical iphone people who don’t accept that iphone se is perfectly good enough phone. 

All I can think about is how fake this is.

I’ve believe it when I see it. The reason I say that is because I remember being hyped for it in 2013, then they said fuck you north america.

That’s Naoki Yoshida’s product - my hopes and fears won’t change until it’s official announced one way or another.

I once streamed my a play session of FFXII:TZA and KH1 to my GF while she was away for work.

I can’t even beat the first boss....

Were the bugs on a particular console? Or pc? I encounter zero bugs on way to platinum on ps4.

At this point, it’s clear Tim Rogers is the only competent jrpg reviewer on this site. 

I need Leif, and I need my island to be populated by sloth only.  Please nintendo. 

Banks aren’t going to magically stop asking for mortgage payments.  Apartment complexes aren’t going to magically stop asking for rent payments.  I’m saving it for bills. 

Banks aren’t going to magically stop asking for mortgage payments.  Apartment complexes aren’t going to magically

Moogle Medals are an easy farm. Across from where you spend them, for ~5 minutes of your time (menus/loading, and 3 minutes of activity) you can get a medal guaranteed.

The clock pauses if you press the Playstation button and just sit at the main Playstation menu. We clocked in at 40 hours, a tiny bit of grinding (for

I had a brain fart thinking I was buying Cadence of Hyrule... ended up with Crypt of the Necrodancer for like $4.

Holy moley, that game is great. Obviouly from the same dev or what not but if $25 bones for zelda is too much, check out the other title from the dev.

The general public has no idea how to use disposable masks. They are wearing them like a fashion statement. They are design to be used and tossed

Path of exile has a nice solution for this. Just bind move/no attack to left mouse. Ezpz lemon squeezy. No attacking mobs when clicking around with left .

Does this mean I can finally get bulba in sword/shield?

I’m psyched. Three Houses was the first FE game I actually enjoyed.

Does it fix the core games shitty glamour/transmog/cover armor or whatever they call it?  I’m fine with some of the nicer pieces being locked behind difficult encounters, but #fashion is a thing.  I heard the switch game that since came out has no problem with this - haven’t explored it for myself yet. 

I’m surprised they copied X sigma so much. Like damn, they gonna have a Rockman coming out next?