Low tier whales spend about $800-1000/month in F2P mobile games.
Low tier whales spend about $800-1000/month in F2P mobile games.
Welcome to predatory F2p Mobile games, where we make your cute Star Wars Battlefield purchase look like monopoly money. $2k on a f2p game like this is hardly a drop in the bucket.
Two easy ways out for Blizzard:
I don’t think they need to necessarily copy DS/MH - although I admit TES would be infinitely more fun than it is now if it had combat like those. But when it’s combat is more basic than Diablo 1 on PC it’s kinda :|
Son needs to ask the important question: will TES ever feature more complicated combat ?
jho does not mess around, he’s got more feints than a black diablos and faster follow ups than a odogaron. He’s pretty freaking mean. Not looking forward to ever fighting him tempered or grank :| everything else seems easy compared to him.
During my 2 week stay, I visited a konbini everyday, 2-3 times a day. Lawson, Family Mart, then 7-11 in that order of preference.
I figured something was up by the sketchy marketing scheme and no real conclusive details on the improvements. SE missed a golden opportunity here. It’s a shame, cause ffxii/x remakes were pretty solid.
This is all I have wanted for the past year. Ever since it was hinted at that From Software was developing “something” for the Switch.
in Japan, it’s my understanding that people still lined up for Switches late into the year and possibly still do now. While black friday was happening in the states, and switches were everywhere as far as the eye could see, JP was still selling out:
Nice passive aggressive comments! The world needs more folks like you.
Nice passive aggressive comments! The world needs more folks like you.
Hey Shep. Logitech is killing the Harmony Link service in March this year. Is that not the service that this uses to enable all of those devices?
Hey Shep. Logitech is killing the Harmony Link service in March this year. Is that not the service that this uses to…
The folks and food there are so amazing. Like, I can’t even. My only complaint about Taiwan is that it’s too far away :D
This argument gets old every time. There is a very clear difference between PDP being a Nazi, and Logan Paul being a culturally insensitive prick, and pulling down a video because it says “Hairy Pussy gets licked” featuring a cat grooming it’s paws.
Well, my girlfriend is vegan, I am not, but we try to accommodate each other. I think it was the emperor’s birthday (12/23), we managed to get reservations for Artnia cafe for 3pm. Knowing she wouldn’t be able to eat there, we decided to find a lunch spot for her. She had mentioned getting lunch at Ain Soph, but they…
Having just visited Japan and had the trip of a lifetime, a good thing about Japan is while cunts like Logan Paul and the bitch I encountered at the vegan pancake shop are shitty human beings, Japanese people as a whole tend to give everyone a chance.
I’m torn. I wanted this to be a good hit. The first one was excellent, the second one was a hot mess, and this one sounds like it is more similar to the first one, but still has some of the hot mess from the second. I don’t mind grindy. I don’t mind the “announcing every attack” the other games did that. The complex…
wow, for once i am glad i waited. Thanks!
wow, for once i am glad i waited. Thanks!
I did most of my shopping online/before friday when the “black friday week” sales were happening. I only lost out about $10 from something that would eventually have a larger coupon attached to it(Thanks Disney for not bending on that btw >: )