
Wanna know what’s sadder?

They don’t offer them (AFAIK) here, in the Philippines, under the bogus excuse of “not high enough demand”.

and an insane independent suspension setup.

Yeah, of all the tattoos, I consider that the worst.

There were some great games in the MS Plus! Pack. HyperBowl, Labyrinth, Russian Square...

Ah, those take me back.

The question is: can the Xbox One accept KB/M?

Cause there are some games that are just better with it (and some that are unplayable without it), that I wouldn’t mind streamed to my living room.

Huh. I always thought the consoles did NOT support KB/M, or if they did, their games didn’t.

even EA could manage to do it right.

How has this not gotten sued out of its soul yet, though?

I live in the Philippines, and I haven’t had time to try this out. I will rectify this oversight soon.

“uplay opens from steam and closes after game is done”

Does anybody remember Wolves, Witches, And Giants?

Also, props for Peppa Pig.

I’m from a third-world country. It would be a fourth-world country if they ever invented the term.

The sad part is, I don’t think this was designed to go off-road first.

Meanwhile, the KL Cherokee and the Renegade (less so, for that one, due to its smaller size) would pretty much handle the same despite being Jeep vehicles.

MW3 for MechWarrior 3, when they meant Modern Warfare 3. Then I’m reminded that we can always count on another crappy CoD game to get made, but there hasn’t been a story-based, singleplayer Mech game since... MechWarrior 4, I think.

Life sucks, man. Gatorade tastes better.

Let me guess... Origin required?

Have the first one on Steam. Haven’t gotten around to playing it, though from I *heard* Origin wasn’t required back then (I could be wrong).

I’m setting up a Steam box. I’d hate to have another launcher pop up from, another launcher.

This might actually get me to try it. Does it have offline mod vs. bots?

Yup. When you enter VATS mode, your partner and the entire world freezes.

Are there any indications of paid mods?

I’m actually impressed. It’s no Steam controller, and, judging by what the guy said, isn’t an actual advancement past the limiting 15/16-button standard for controllers, but it’s customisable, has remapping, and looks good.

Fan theory? I always thought it was retconned to be that way.