
Thank you. I feel the same way. And I would've said the same thing.

Doctor required in inflator room!

HOLY $#!T the nostalgia is strong with this one! I think I even have the CD somewhere.

Mmmm... Eh. I agree on convenience, as the Xbox 360's pad is plug-n-play and is the default choice for games, but the whole 'feel' thing is opinion.

So far, I've only two problems with the DS4, and minor ones at that; the face buttons and the battery life.

Seconded. Heck, choose any thing from Jedi Knight, Jedi Outcast, or Jedi Academy.

Please tell me it can be played offline. Dinosaurs are awesome and all, but I always find them on multiplayer-only games.

My laptop beats everything on recommended except the graphics card. :(

I'll check that out, thanks. I'm also looking into local, quick-dry silicone-based sealants, that I guess I'll just spread on manually, as I made a replica instead of a mould.

That trailer is beyond glorious.

What I did was make a cardboard copy of the DS4's face and buttons, using the plastic shell it came in when I bought it as a guide.

Currently using a Blue DS4 as my PC's gaming controller. With the proper software, works great wired or wireless (something the Xbox One's controller can't do), and I can use the trackpad to control the mouse (another thing the Xbox One's controller can't do) for those games that just have to pop-up something

Hmmm... Are those buttons on the controller back-lit?

Maybe we should get a Kinja subsite or something, like TAY, for all those who want to build / make a game. Might be a great way to get in touch with other people with ideas, talents, etc.

A Far Cry game that doesn't require Uplay.

Wow. The character actually looks great! Here's hoping his fighting style is unique.

I personally think he might be an awesome, down to earth, energetic and lively guy.

I don't even know what the question is - I just know that the answer is always a Power Wagon.

The last time Spider-Woman was in the headlines came after a controversial Milo Manara cover that many thought was way too hypersexualized. In the USA Today article, Lowe says plans to change Spider-Woman's gear were underway long before the firestorm blew up around the Manara cover. Still, the new look is reminiscent

I never said that there is one canon line. I said the aligned continuity is now the default continuity, in that most of the material adopts it.

Are you talking about Transfomers: Prime?

It's a pipe dream, I know, but if they ever want a location in Asia that's still influenced by the west in a major way, there's always the Philippines.