That's a pretty good opinion. And I agree with some of your points.
That's a pretty good opinion. And I agree with some of your points.
Your PS4 is more powerful than the Xbox One...
Excellent answer. I agree with your points, and I see this game as more like those anime which exists specifically for 'plot' - and they're never meant to be taken even remotely seriously.
The real news here is:
I consider it to be something like those 'plot'-filled anime shows.
Well, now that you know about it, what is your opinion?
An honest question:
You forgot to ask the most important question:
I'm so hyped for this game. It's just so bright and cheery, and it's new!
Sneak peak of how Archon Mode works! Cool stuff!
Oh, look! A cool, new IP with charming graphics and exciting gameplay that I won't be able to play whatsoever!
At least those generic, modern military shooters offer a single player of sorts (even if it is shitty).
And it would be Terran units, no doubt.
Terran - Blizzard's favorite race, apparently. So not only do we get MULEs that can bring the player back from the dead, and burrowing, high damage rocket launchers that (I think) outrange air-based detector, we now get mobile turrets(!), a fast, long range siege tank-like thing that can attack while moving, a…
Speaking of uPlay, I've been wanting to get Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon on Steam, and perhaps I *could* tolerate opening that uPlay app from Steam... while in Big Picture mo... No, sorry, not happening. That sucks.
I envy you guys and your easy to get (relatively) Jeeps.
"That's what they're counting on. They want you to feel something for this person. To be human."
"And what are you?"
- Predators
There was never an announcement, and PC gamers have fired up Advanced Warfare to find the game stuck with peer-to-peer, and accepting pings of up to 800, which is utterly unplayable.
I think Silent Hill: Shattered Memories has something like that.