
"I call this, The Nefario Principle."

This screams: Unoptimized.

"i just cancelled another project you didn't even know about."
"and another!"
"and another one!"
- Phil Fish

Heh, no prob. 1 was not a bad game. In fact, I hold it up there with the likes of Half-Life and such. AvP2, however, was just better.

Aliens vs. Predator Classic 2000 is a quintessential PC game

Blah blah blah delayed = better, blah blah BLAH blah games are more expensive to produce... Okay. We got that.

Wait a second. I thought girls liked them All-bishi-boys anime. So kawaii, I was told.

I thought clickbait refers to the title itself. That is, the title is meant to provoke emotion within the reader, making them click the link, hence, clickbait. Whether the article is a joke, contains meaningful info, outright lies, etc., is up to whoever wrote it.

You forgot:

Wouldn't larger-sized models also present a larger frame to hit?

See KBABZ's reply, then.

I'd like to think Lara Croft and company use 'generic video game climbing' is because they climb a LOT. Like, 75% of the level is climbing. As such, it would be kinda difficult to create unique climbing animations (because afaik, that's all this is), per climbing situation. This also deals with the somewhat repetitive

This counts as nightmare fuel? Hah, then you guys are wusses.

A post on Allpar indicated that KL did parts of the Rubicon. It had to take bypasses for several locations.

Beer. That's what it says to me.

You gotta be trolling. One wrong obstacle in the wrong place and the KL's massive duck-bill-snout / lack of articulation / static ride height will halt whatever "off-roading" plans you have for it.

Light years better than the Liberty is debatable. The Liberty, like the Cherokee before it, was an SUV, not a CUV. That's like saying the Rav4 is better than the Landcruiser.

Might be out of topic, might not be;

Dafuq? I could roast marshmallows on the amount of hate this woman is getting.