
Probably not even gonna get out of the Grey-Zone, but here goes.

I thought it's pretty okay looking. Good, even. Certainly no worse than the KL Cherokee.

Which is why I always questioned the design of that hideous Jeep KL Cherokee.

I play on D3 on XBOX one console and it has offline mode

You got to be kidding me.

They're capable of making quality games, but not as "quality" as they made them back then.

Oy, will the white controllers be available separately?

I never got into anime, but I pretty much enjoy watching certain episodes of Shaman King over and over again.

Q190 of Lenovo.

People change, man.

Consoles are superior - that's an opinion.

I don't have any special window into the minds of the people who made Diablo III. But regardless of Blizzard's original intentions, the game began to evolve when it was first ported to then-current-gen consoles back in September 2013. Longtime fans didn't welcome the shift with open arms, but something about the game

Matter of perspective, I suppose.

Well, I'm *only* going to get one by next year, and of course, being in the Philippines, I'm not sure I represent any market at all, but...

Those were the Fetish, Flayer, etc. Blowdart wielding motherf*ckers.

Here's a huge gallery with almost every key location from Diablo II. From Act 1's Rouge Encampment to the snowy slopes of Arreat in Act 5, all remade in Minecraft.

Gotta convert? To what?

"Going to be modernized"

So, it's not a car-based FWD POS?

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