
UCLA at 50 spots behind USC is a complete farce and a half. I didn't know Matt Hinton was Matt Leinart's pseudonym.

UCLA is much much much much much much better than what this guys thinks, but every dolt is entitled to an opinion. Hope he takes a bet on UCLA-USC this year.

Front Row (L to R): 1/20000, 2/20000, 3/20000, 4/20000, 5/20000, 6/20000, 7/20000, 8/20000, 9/20000, 10/20000, 11/20000, 12/20000, 13/20000, 14/20000

Puig is a downright bad guy. Between getting stuck in traffic and missing his cut-0ff throws, it's plain to see he's going to murder somebody.


Whose douchiness will reign supreme?!

Find out tonight on Iron Douche America.

Except he really didn't try that hard. I absolutely think the remark was insensitive and very inappropriate. I can definitely understand how uncomfortable that situation must have been. A lot of people in awkward situations fumble words. Some people in that situation come back negatively at the remark. Without much

No one was talking about rooting for him. You said he sucked and was not relevant. He's got the most wins, is ranked #1 in the World Golf Rankings, and #1 in the FedEx championship standings.

In his defense, it was West Virginia. so the odds that someone was familiar with a number as high as 96 were pretty remote.

Ugh, Tom, stick to sports. If I want to read about a guy who's more interested in everyone else's business attempting to salvage the next three years I'll go to Politico!!1!


It got to the point where we focused on how this guy didn't react to the game rather than actually watch the game ourselves...

She could have just said something kind of neutral, like "It's an interesting problem. I hope one day that this will be resolved." You'd think that pageant coaches would give these chicks a catch-all answer for occasions like this so that you're not distracted from her cleavage by the nonsense coming out of her
