You're in a better position to judge. I have no idea what people living in a garbage dump are like. Obviously, you're are a habitual frequenter of a garbage dump.
You're in a better position to judge. I have no idea what people living in a garbage dump are like. Obviously, you're are a habitual frequenter of a garbage dump.
I fully agree with the first part of your comment.
"Ukraine daring to do anything else than what Russia says (having anything to do with the EU or anyone else)" - like, taking money from Russia, getting gas at discount price (moreover, stealing gas), at the same time striving to join the EU, despite the fact that a large number of population in the South-East didn't…
Because they were born here and they have no other home country, they have lots of things to be proud about. There are many shittier countries in the world.
Only if you are a Nazi scumbag and Hitler was your hero.
What saddens me the most is when you mention these facts to people who are prejudiced against everything Russian, they seem to completely ignore and dismiss these facts and not even mention them, as it could ruin their carefully thought-out propagandist picture. Nearly every family in Russia has at least one relative,…
God forbid that Medvedev ever comes close to presidentship again. He was just a lame duck, whose initiatives were largely ridiculous and doomed to failure.
Dude, you sound so butt-hurt. "Pathetic, insane, sick", bla-bla-bla. OMG!!OMG!!! Russians! Fascists! Ethnic cleansing!!1!!111 :) Where are you from? Why the fuck you even care what Russia is doing and speak for people you don't even know? I bet you're just a fuckin' hypocrite with a "holier-than-thou" attitude.
He read it as "fight" hence the amazement.
So, can you afford to own an airplane?
Such number of airplanes is symbolic. 70 aircraft participated in this military parade to commemorate the liberation of Sevastopol, which had been seized by Nazi troops and was redeemed by the Soviet Army on that very same day exactly 70 years ago.
What's wrong with this (illegal) taxi? Just a rear-ended VAZ-2115. All this body damage "doesn't affect the top speed" as I would say. 72 is for Tyumen oblast' (region).
"odna", not "odin" (feminine gender)
Speaking of you, were you present at the polling stations during the Crimean referendum? And how many Ukrainian people voted to instate Mr. Turchinov, a Baptist pastor, in the rights of acting President of Ukraine, мой украинский друг? I hope the Europeans will finally pluck up the courage to fight the Right Sector…
Thailand, 81-90%? I'm very much relieved :)
But has she got STIs?
Yep, like forcing the Bolivian president's plane to land in Vienna in 2013 to be searched for Edward Snowden who might have been hiding in that plane. Fuck the international law!
EU is not the only recipient of Russian gas and oil, and you think that Americans will sell you oil and gas at a sacrifice?
Why the fuck would Russia want to unleash a war against the USA? Apocalyptic nuclear war doesn't sound too good to me.