Yep, or memory erasing Men-In-Black style
Yep, or memory erasing Men-In-Black style
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man. Georgia ain't Russia
He looks like he's about to sneeze
I don't like its side view. The front clip and the rest of the car do not go well together
Yup, mad skills. I don't think I would manage to dodge the tire in this situation
Nope, he says something like (liberal translation): "Do you want to become a killer? Your mother is a whore! If I hadn't swerved, the wheel would have hit my windshield, blyad!
...and other profanities, mentioning someone's mother, oral sex etc :)
To each their own. I still like the JDM Corolla Axio better, it's got a more old-school look and it is smaller, I think
To quote you: "So somehow, magically, Russian VEHICLES are 5.7 times more likely to kill a person than vehicles in the USA. That's 570% worse at driving."
Relax, nobody is trying to make you shut up. Just a bit of statistics:
Stop hating on the Russians, dude! As my fellow countryman Synchromesh1111 pointed out, there are representatives of all kinds of nations and even races in Russia. I see Africans handing out leaflets to people in Moscow Metro on a daily basis
It's a common thing in movies like this. For example, the infamous F&F6 allegedly showed Moscow at the very beginning, but for me as a native Muscovite it was obvious that the scene was shot somewhere in Europe. I've just done a quick search and found out that the actual filming location was in London
Yep, these rims are truly awful
Ditto! My Astra sports a set of these steelies in the winter. Steelies rock ass!
What city are you from?
I have never seen these pet toys, that is why I didn't get your joke, my bad. Yeah, the pedestrian overpasses here are usually covered. Maybe it has something to do with lots of snow and freezing cold in the winter
The Daddy is driving a beat-up Lada 1600 (VAZ-2106), the top speed of which is under 100 mph (~150 kph, actually)
Not sure what you're talking about. It's a covered pedestrian overpass
Not physically, rather, legally. Physically, you can drive at whatever age you wish until you are caught by the police, and then you are in trouble
This is true. The bikers here in Moscow drive like bats outta hell, speeding like crazy, especially, those riding sport bikes. You cast a glance in your rear view mirror before changing lanes, start changing lanes, and all of a sudden a biker on a sport bike is zooming past you. You just don't have time to react. I…