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Totally agree. Listen to NES OST all the time. A dude(WiiGuy309) on YouTube has great recordings!

You know, it's funny...It might have to do w/ something like that. Reason being, I moved my transcode directory to c:\A for example and kicked off a video on Roku w/Plex. That transcode directory fills ups w/ tons of 5 meg files and she's good as gold.

It is; and it's flaky at best. I'm a Plex subscriber and have a Chromecast and out of the gates, lots of buffereing. Then, for about a week, perfect. Now, no buffering, but the video just locks and doesn't do anything.

Moral of the story; we're fat.

I'm curious on these. I have Keratoconus and curious on if type of glasses would minimize some strain of starring at my PC all day. .

I love me some Mr Jefferson.

Sorry..should say, home office. My normal office is the (god forsaken) cube farm :)

hah...Security camera...? What kind of security camera is this? Does the hotel employee 16 year-olds with camera phones perched in every corner..?

Ohhh...I took the "going to hell" comment as something racial or...just plain wrong.

Agree and can kinda answer your question.


I wish there was an option like this as well. Given, I know it's BitTorrent "Sync", but if they could toss an option like the old Microsoft Sync Toy, that would be great!

Agreed. Myself weighing in at about 225 (5'10) frame, I've been working out for a few months now and have lost about 10 lbs. Even now, if I try to fire out a few 8 min miles, it would be insanely difficult if not damn near impossible. Plus, it sure as shit wouldn't boost my confidence to want to work out 6 days a

Umm...No, when you fire out of the gates with an unobtainable goal, good luck with continuing.

Easy to solve, need to make a semi-realistic game where you can play, fire out a game in 20-30 mins, and not want to kill yourself after 15 minutes.

Should be Wisconsin/Iowa.

::cough:: BitTorrent Sync ::cough::

I have to ask, if he's so great, as he thinks he is. Why isn't he currently on a roster....?

Umm, no. Why would I use BitTorrent sync as a backup tool...? Does it encrypt anything on storage? No.