Eh, pretty common since he decided to replace his entire hand, there are only thirty cards, and he obviously had doubles.
Eh, pretty common since he decided to replace his entire hand, there are only thirty cards, and he obviously had doubles.
*Sigh* this only brings back painful memories.
I may be wrong, but I definitely think from the wording they are shrinking the collections to 2+2+2.
For at least the past year you were consistently getting at least 2 games for PS3 and 1 game for PS4. It's an improvement for PS4, but PS3 and Vita title access is shrinking. for PS3: 12 to 2, and for Vita: 6 to 2. We're still getting the same amount of games so in that respect it hasn't gotten worse.
I know that's not changing. What sucks is that currently Instant Game Collection is 12 for PS3, 6 for PS Vita, and 2 for PS4. Looks they are changing it to 2+2+2. I guess it doesn't matter since it's not like we're getting less games, just less time to access them. Don't know why they didn't come up with a 6-month…
"starting in June, members will have access to two titles per month for each of our platforms."
So, what is he even doing right now? Don't tell me he left his CEO position at Sony to work at Spike.
No one reads those.
It's not about the spirit of the game so much as it's about the game itself.
Do insects even feel pain?
Calm down, it's not a big deal.
Hey! I just noticed your name! Nice!
I think you're missing my point or you forgot what we're talking about. You're arguing that games not including a specific ethnic group is denying the rights of that ethnic group if the game is about "doing whatever". By "doing whatever" I assume you meant a free-roam sandbox type as that is the most common basis for…
I don't where to start with this. All I'll say is that there are not even any ethnic designations in the Sims. Unlike say, Saint's Row which, if what you're saying is true, is offending hundreds of ethnic groups by omission.
Of course, denying gay people the right to get married in a game about relationships and marriage is itself "social commentary."
I'm so torn. Do I get this new Vita and forsake the OLED? After all the OLED has done for me? For all of us? What to do...
Yeah, that game was fun. But who cares about how fun video games are? That's for losers.
So... He's not Snoop Lion anymore?
I wonder if we'll ever find out what happened to Darth Vader and the Empire?