I knew they would do this...
I knew they would do this...
Quantum Break, Sunset Overdrive, Ryse, Max: The Curse of Brotherhood, and D4 are all new IPs...
He screwed everything up... Stupid rape jokes.
This is great. Who says gamers don't win from corporate competition?
It's a great idea. Now Sony needs to step up their game.
Are you not going to MS's conference Tina? Or why don't you have to wait in line? Does Kotaku get special backstage passes?!!?
Makes me want Mountain Dew and Doritos so... I guess it's working??
Honestly, I thought the same about it being live for the first five seconds.
Looks great. No doubt now that this will take over AC as Ubisoft's Flagship title.
Why does it matter? If we don't want to label anyone, then what is the point in calling her mixed? Half-black and Half-white? If Evan titled "It Doesn't Matter That Remember Me's Main Character is a Half-Black woman." Would that have been better?
There's a problem now, huh?
"In the past nobody would kill anybody else over something fictional written in a book like people do now because it's in a game"
I don't know... Aren't they supposed to be Japanese?
I'm having a hard time identifying this one. Anyone?
I'm one of those people that really can't stand looking up when I'm playing games. My monitor and my TV have to be at eye level or else I think, "I bet this game would look better if I was looking straight at the screen, rather than at an angle".
Read the Title and thought of this:
Wow, can't believe the amount of that are attacking you. But the benefit is that these responses tell you the where the people on the other side are at. At the very least it should give you more confidence.
Well, let's just wait till E3. I have an inkling that Microsoft is going to have strong showing.
I read somewhere on the Sony site that the HDD would be "built-in", not exactly synonymous with non-removable but I felt they meant it as such.
Pretty sure that the PS4's HDD is non-removable as well. No harm, no foul