
this is a a problematic response, but what is she trying to warn his daughter of? Does she think he’s going to rape his own daughter? I don’t see how that follows from what happened. If she wants to get him arrested or break up his marriage or get it off her chest or whatever, she has every right, but she’s not

I, too, am getting really fucking tired of being told how to feel about it from every goddamn angle of life. It’s like-guess what? I’m sad the gorilla died, I feel for the mother who was probably scared beyond belief and ALSO, I think she maybe screwed up some, plus I am able to see the rationale behind shooting the

He’s amazingly charismatic, on the screen, (especially) onstage, and in my very limited experience, offstage. I spoke with him twice after seeing him on the West End, and he was amazingly gracious to each and every fan. When I complimented him on his Eastern Seaboard accent in one play, mentioning that that’s where I

I always knew god hated socialists.

Honestly, the most shocking thing about this is that Madonna has fans that are 17 years old

It’s not about Zoe not being black enough, as people who have discussed this issue have stated over and over and over again. She is a Black woman, clearly. It is that she is neither dark enough nor has the proper type of features to portray Nina Simone - which is obvious since they put her in blacker face and

This is a massive over-share, in my opinion. Why does the world need to know this level of detail about why you fired your nanny? This has a my-husband-is-hot-and-would-never-cheat-on-me-let-me-show-the-world-proof vibe.

I call it “The bleeding,” as in “the bleeding has begun,” in an effort to flap my unflappable boyfriend, because it sounds even worse than “period.” Would that be a malphemism?

“I have grapes.”

Female co worker was telling a story earlier and said she wasn’t feeling well this past weekend “because of the moon.”

There is no such thing as a soulmate, no person who ‘fits’ with you completely. People have flaws, and people change. The partner whose qualities you love now may evolve overtime, as we all do. The You in twenty years will be far different than the You today, and who’s to say that the relationship won’t sour as a

Maybe your French goddess. Mine is Charlotte Gainsbourg. :)

I came here to say pretty much the same thing. Making victims out of people who do not consider themselves to be a victim at all is problematic.

I agree with this. Yes, it’s a murky subject, but so many people (based on their own personal experience or not), are trying to discredit this woman’s experience and say that they know better than her. When it comes to delicate, intimate situations like this, there are only two people who really know what happened,

Also I think labeling young women and girls as victims at every turn takes away a certain amount of power and personal agency. Some people, especially women of color, are forced to grow up at an extremely young ages and may see the idea of consent differently than some of us. Example: I was astounded when a woman I

I cringed when I saw the headline. I was prepared for this to be a “Your Fave is Problematic”-style takedown of Bowie, and I honestly wasn’t sure I wanted to read it. I clicked anyhow and was pleasantly surprised.

No, Elle King is Rob Schnieder's daughter and she is fucking awesome.

Yeah, even if. I can fully appreciate the “this is the super-safe place where I store my guns” argument, but accidents happen during the __% of the time when the guns just happen to not be where they usually are or should be. If you have kids, you quickly realize that the one day out of the year when your kitchen