
Why do stories like this always end up becoming a parenting skills judging session? Can people just back the fuck off and realize that every parent makes mistakes? Some of them are easily remedied - like the time I thought my kid wasn't that sick, took her out anyway, and got barfed on. Some of them aren't - like when

I know I'm going to get it, but here goes: This is a CHURCH-RUN after school program! If you don't want your kid to be ostracized for dressing in princess clothes, don't send him to church. I feel bad for the kid, it seems that his parents are putting him in a position where has to fight a battle that he's too

Hear hear, we have this debate monthly and it is so tiresome and predictable. The same exact comments and responses are given each time;

But in this case, they were. Or, at least, if Canadian laws are similar to USAmericans: bicyclists are supposed to travel in the lane; car drivers are supposed to treat them as they would another moving vehicle (i.e., see them, not rear-end into them). As with motorcycles, there is no prohibition to traveling 2- or

See, now I want to name a child Lastname.

a plug for Busty Girl Comics, which is amazing...

Seriously. Europe has 10x more atheists per capita than we have. Although Putin's trying to Christian-orthodox-it-up, almost all of my Russian extended family is atheist, and China & Japan are pretty strong on that front, too. Much of the world laughs at how long our atheist 'revolution' is taking, TBH.

And under no circumstances should the DJ be allowed to play 'Rains of Castamere'.

Certainly having enough awareness to question what you wear is a start. Mostly knowing what is sacred, traditional, and ceremonial versus what is simply fashion in another culture is a great start. I don't know who in the world thinks war bonnets are "fashion" for native peoples, but hey... obviously there are those

The article mentioned her "feminist lyrics," so I came on here to be like, "You guys, sometimes her lyrics are very un-feminist." I don't think following traditional gender roles is incompatible with feminism, but I think universalizing and idealizing those traditional gender roles is very incompatible with feminism.

Did she address the "Anna Mae" reference in JayZ's rap in Drunk in Love? I love Bey, but I had a hard time explaining that to my daughter.

Or possibly she conducted the interview through email so that her spokespeople could carefully craft those bland Women's Studies 1100 one-paragraph responses for her, lest we all suddenly realize the emperor has no clothes and Beyonce is not the Rhodes scholar on 21st-century feminist discourse we want her so

No, that's not what the phrase means at all. It's meant to describe a punishment that isn't a real punishment at all. A slap on the wrist is not a punishment; it's like when a celebrity does something illegal and gets 20 hours of community service while everyone else gets 6 months jail time for the same crime.

You're actually the one making up facts to suit your point. All anyone is saying is that there's no point in answering your question by comparing the two men because they're NOT THE SAME. That's like asking if you substituted the guy harmlessly flirting with you at the bar with Jeffrey Dahmer, would you still react

Thanks for your views. I agree with your last sentence - but I'm not sure how saying that men get a place in a room but not a place at the table is kicking them out in an authoritarian manner.

Gosh. Okay. First off as I often do I'm going to caveat this by openly admitting my knowledge and experience of trans issues is borderline zilch. I think it's better to be open about ignorance in a particular field rather than being all "I have an opinion therefore I am right".

It's so strange. Leave the US, and foreskin is normal and men wouldn't go without it and think that americans are doing weird and barbaric things.

Come back to the US, and the fact that my son is a perfectly normal, whole male is 'disgusting' and I'm a 'bad parent' who is not only making things more difficult for him

And men with eyes and teeth will probably have to have medical attention for those unnecessary body parts, too.

I don't get the segregation of genders in general. I really wouldn't care if men shared bathrooms with me. As long as there were stalls like there are in all women's bathrooms, and sexual harassment was actually punished quickly and efficiently (I'm thinking about the types that catcall me), I really wouldn't care.

But that's what satire is. When Jonathan Swift suggested the lords eat the poor, he was not simultaneously mocking the poor and making the lords feel like assholes. In the piece he calls the poor beggars, bastards, breeders, thieves, savages and more. Would it make sense to call that classism? Or couldn't you just see