
I love Tetris. There aren't many games where the aim is 'construction', and that is something I think makes Tetris so fun to play. Learning different patters, figuring out how to best manipulate the pieces... the game may seem simple on the outside, but there are layers and layers of complexity inside. It's

@oby: Well, there is a certain technique in controlling the barrels and the foxfires, so there is some AI going on. I understand that it takes a lot of knowledge of the game to manipulate that AI into doing what you want it to do.

Junior? Pah, I've beaten the Twin Galaxies record for Donkey Kong. For the Game & Watch. On the Nintendo DS.

@aggrostack: I actually prefer Jussim's cosplay to the Samus in the commercial. Jussim's has more emotion, and the colours are more vibrant, though I suppose the lighting could be making a difference.

And I always thought margarita was a type of pasta or cheese or something. Excuse my ignorance, please. That's an interesting machine, though.

Article title is Barry Burton's favourite phrase. Anyone remember that scene from the original Resident Evil? When they made the blood under the fireplace green for the Nintendo DS version, I bet it was chlorophyll. So when Barry claimed it was blood, I suppose he was right. Which means... Kenneth is actually a

Cool, but not as cool as Google Reader which will give the page a ninja theme if you enter the code.

Wow, something hi-tech is actually coming to our country? I bet people will be asking "why does my stamp look so strange with all the black and white squares?" Very few people actually know what QR codes are over here.

Hmmm... Interesting. I suppose you could say that you can't judge a book by skimming its pages — you need to sit down comfortably and read it carefully from cover to cover in order to come up with a valid opinion.

Isn't this similar to what Microsoft is doing with their Zune service? At the moment, I don't see too much content there, so I'd hope that Sony would be able to provide a lot more. At least, I'd expect so if they're going to charge a subscription.

And people say *I'm* obsessed with Mario! My collection is no where near comparable with this one. I see some really rare stuff in that pile. I wonder what he actually does with all those things!

Sounds interesting, but I'm expecting it to take a while before this catches on. After all, it's only recently that we're beginning to see the rise of eco-friendly game cases.

Looks cool, but I'm not in a hurry to buy a new controller just for this feature. I rarely use the D-Pad anyway.

From what I've seen so far, this game looks amazing. The story and gameplay mechanics sounds really interesting, too. I'm also curious as to how the physical booklet included with the game links into the gameplay.